She’s Awesome, I’m Lucky (Redux)

Most of the content of this post was originally posted a few years ago here, but couldn’t help putting it up again!

I think words like “amazing” and “incredible” are way over used in today’s culture, but I don’t know of any other words that come close to describe my wife of 24 years.  By the time I had met her at the age of 19, Tania James had already led an amazing life.  She had traveled around the world as a missionary, smuggling bibles into China and doing orphanage work in the Philippines & Haiti.  She had toured the U.S. with a ministry team called “The Olive Branch”, as a singer and dancer.  She had even traveled internationally as a professional ballet dancer.  At 17, she was the youngest dancer ever to be asked to dance at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem.  She plays guitar, mandolin and piano.  She paints, and makes beautiful art with clay.  She even designs and sells children’s clothes.  All of that rolled together (and the fact that she’s drop dead gorgeous) is why I immediately fell in love with her the day I met her, but none of that is why I love her so much today.

Since we have been married (24 years today) Tania has shown me what “amazing” and “incredible” truly mean.  I cannot imagine anyone being a better wife and mother than Tania.  As my wife, she brings out the best in me.  I don’t always appreciate it at the time, but she definitely challenges me to be a better person, and yeah, I’ll say it, She Completes Me .  As a mother, forget about it.  She is, hands down the best.  I have watched in awe as she has modeled great parenting with our four children. From handling preemie twins, to having three under the age of 2, to a surprise #4, she has handled it all (and the immense challenges that came with them) in stride.

The most amazing part of it is that she has done this, all the while battling severe chronic health issues of her own.  A year of so after we were married, Tania was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and for whatever reason, she has not responded to any of the treatments medical science has offered.  We both believe in the power of prayer and that God is going to heal her, but over the years, her pain and fatigue have steadily increased.  How Tania has stood steadfast in her faith for so long, with seemingly no answer is both humbling and inspiring to me.  Every day she shows me what Paul meant in Ephesians when he said, ” …and having done all, to stand.  Stand therefore…. “.

Baby, you are truly AMAZING , and I am forever thankful (and “Lucky“) to be your husband.

Happy Anniversary!